Monday, January 08, 2007

Think, PINK!

We're having a GIRL!

After visiting with our midwife this evening and carefully examining our little one on the screen during the ultrasound, there was absolutely NO "evidence" of a boy so our natural conclusion is... a baby sister for Gideon!

I'm 19 weeks along and feel great. Our plan is to do another home water birth. It was a wonderful experience for both Jim and me.


Brian said...

Yeah!!!! Congrats!!!!! We'll have to have a pink night!

//drea said...

Yippee!!! I"m so stoked! Think of all the cute outfits! hi hi

Rachel Ann said...

Congrats! Do you have a name picked out?

Sabrina said...

Conratulations!!!! I didn't even realize you were pregnant, OR that you had started blogging again. Goodness, babies are in the air!!!

Kenzie said...

Congrats sweet girl! I miss you! Hope you're doing great! Do you have a name picked out yet? Keep me in the loop :)

Mom2the6Rs said...

How about Jimbalina? Or Lynette Jr.?

Silly me. Congratulations you two!
